Hey guys,
the first week of our Birthday Countdown is over. (How can this already be going for a week?!)
And to start the second week - what could be better than some rock'n'roll?
The Arkanes are no new faces for a lot of you. They first got featured when they supported Jim Kroft and absolutely stood out with their energetic live performance.
The rock band from Liverpool consists of Chris (lead vocals, guitar), Dylan (guitar, vocals), Lee (bass, vocals) and Andy (drums).
With their EP called "Don't Act Like You Know Me" and by gigging in the UK and also Germany they could already build a proper fan base. Their upcoming album "W.A.R" is nothing but promising.
And here one half of them is performing "Stand Alone Inc" for house in the sand.
(By the way - there is no full version of this song online yet. Except here. Just saying.)
Chris and Dylan - I salute you. Technology is some pain in the a...- you did great and recording this for about 15 times is real dedication, thanks so much!
And also big thanks to Lee and Andy for supporting house in the sand. :)
The Arkanes online: Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud
The hidden letters may or may not look different now... ;)

Day 7: Day 9:

Yeah !! Rock music. I say YES. :) x