Hey everyone!
We are really proud of the features we share on here.
Some of them do better than others, but ultimately they all work together to make HITS the platform that it is.
It's no secret that our "Behind The Song" features is one of our absolute favourites, which is why we will have a few BTS pieces featured in our magazine.
And of course we'll also continue sharing them on here, which is exactly what is happening today.
Andi Fins took the time to chat us through the story and writing process of his latest single.
- Behind The Song -
"Stan's Copycat" by Andi Fins
Andi Fins is a Berlin based musician, originally from Bavaria.
Growing up in a small town in the Bavarian country side, Andi dreamed of a place to go to and make music full time - and so he went to the capital city.
Now in Berlin, he started working as a pianist/keyboarder and writer for German acts such as Elif, Mark Forster, Clueso and many more.
His previous solo albums ("A Chapter Missing Its Book", "Dreamer" and "How Will Our Hero Get Out Of This One?") attracted a loyal fanbase. His singles have received airplay, have been played on TV shows and have been featured on multiple Spotify playlists.
His track "Stan's Copycat" is based on a personal experience which we get to learn about more today.
Here's what Andi told us about "Stan's Copycat":
"I met someone through an online dating platform and we were instantly writing messages to each other. For some reason she thought I was British and I thought she was from New York, having a real funny conversation until we exposed ourselves just being two ordinary Germans, but finally decided to go out for a drink together on the same night.
It was my first date in quite a while and maybe my second one ever in the illusive online dating app world, so I was curious and kind of nervous, too. She suggested this bar where she finally showed up in real and it looked like we liked each other.
After the second beer, unlike me she turned out to be a dating pro and said: "Hey, don't take it the wrong way, but you sounded better in writing than talking face to face." So now I felt really overburdened and we took a last drink stuck in the uncertainty of blurring speech bubbles.
Out on the street, she sent me back home and somehow I got an idea for another song. We recorded live as a trio (bass, drums and me on the keys) in the studio (Zodiaque), where I used to do almost all of my tracks.
I call it recording paradise because the guys who run that place are technical and musical geniuses and we are actually friends and share a similar taste of music, which makes it so easy to work and create the right sounds together.
They are pretty well equipped with all this analog gear one wish they had. Unfortunately I can't afford hangoing out there every day, so I have my own little space at home, too, where I continue working on the basic tracks from the studio and start collecting ideas with my piano and synths.
The other guys in the band are recording guitars and percussions at their places and we're sending tracks back and forth, so the songs get their colours. And finally we go back to the studio to mix it. All of us like vintage gear and sounds like an old Höfner bass, Fender amps and smooth drums.
I use a ms20 synth, but also a modern prophet and nordstage as well.
Compared to my earlier material, the new songs are more band inspired. I don't do any pre-productions at the time, just sending the rough song sketches to the other guys and then we're meeting a couple of times in the rehearsal space to go over it.
Everybody adds more flavours to it and is kind of playing around until we get a cool version of the song, which we'd like to record."
Listen to "Stan's Copycat" right here:
- buy "Stan's Copycat" -
- stream "Stan's Copycat" -
Andi Fins online: Website | Facebook | Spotify | YouTube | Instagram
Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Words: Vanessa Jetwash | Words (about the song): Andi Fins | Image: Anne Krausz