Birthday Countdown | Day 27: Martin and James

Hey guys,

and we're closer to the end of the countdown. A bit too close if you ask me.

I really tried to not write too much in the Birthday Countdown posts because I wanted the videos to be in complete focus.
I still want that today, don't get me wrong. But there is no way I'm not going to write a massive lot about this very video.

Martin and James is an acoustic pop/folk band from Glasgow, Scotland, residing in Berlin, Germany.
They have been making music together for about 16 years, released two EPs and two albums.

Some might call them a duo, I'd call them a band. Simply because they both play guitar, drums and keyboard. And sometimes they play three instruments at the same time. Do I have to say more?

Three years ago I heard a song for the very first time. It was a song that immediately soaked me in. Two voices and two guitars formed a song I still could listen to days in a row.
The song is called "Wrong Directions".

And on a very boring afternoon in late February (the 28th to be exact) I decided to create a blog.
And of course you need a name for a blog and after a while I thought of "Wrong Directions" and how I'd like to use a line of it.
The words "I'll build my house in the sand until the waves knock it down" always had my attention and I thought "house in the sand" could be a nice name for a blog.

And I still think it's an amazing name. Not only does it sound good but also does it have a meaning.

I also want to mention that I owe a lot to Martin and James. (And Ryan!) They opened a lot of doors for me and I feel very lucky to say I get to work with them. After all they're still my favourite band.

Enough now. Here are Martin and James performing the title track of house in the sand. Enjoy!

M&J - Thank you, I know I say this often but really. Thank you!

Martin and James online: Website | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter

Who found all letters so far?

Day 26:                                                                                                                 Day 28:

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  1. Should I describe my smile ? Thank you Vanessa... :) x

    1. Yes please, do it! ;) Thank you, enjoy hitting the replay button. ;) x

    2. Huge banana ;o))


Let me know what you think! :)