Hey guys,
a little while ago I asked you to ask me some questions.
Simply so you can get to know me a bit better.
And you did so here are all questions and anwers. : )
I really hope you enjoy it... because it could be boring... I don't know.
Maybe you'd like to answer a few of the questions I was asked in the comments?
That would be awesome!
What's your favorite movie?
"The Princess Diaries" ... yes, I'm this cheesy. (maybe it's because I love Robert Schwartzman...)
What do you love and what do you hate most about
I love that I am very passionate about what I do and that I believe in my dreams.
I love that I am very passionate about what I do and that I believe in my dreams.
I hate that I sometimes (almost always!) care too much.
If you could live anywhere in the world where
would it be?
This is a hard question because I haven't seen the whole world so it's difficult to judge...
This is a hard question because I haven't seen the whole world so it's difficult to judge...
But for now I would love to live in London or Berlin.
Biggest fear?
Loosing the ones I love.
Favorite book?
I love books I can learn from and right now it's "A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book" by the bloggers Elsie Larsen and Emma Chapman from A Beautiful Mess.
Who would you like to see live? (Someone you
haven't seen yet.)
If I could - every single artist ever featured on hits.
And Gabrielle Aplin.
And Gabrielle Aplin.
What's your strangest talent?
I can make up words that don't exist and believe they do.
Is that a talent? Or is it just strange?
Is that a talent? Or is it just strange?
Favorite song at the moment?
It's really mean to ask such question! Haha, kidding.
I guess it's "Misery Business" by Paramore.
I guess it's "Misery Business" by Paramore.
Favorite children's TV show?
The Teletubbies. I was obsessed with them! Now they somehow scare me...
What do you think about tattoos, would you like
to have one?
I love the idea of tattoos, they're fascinating to me.
So, yes I'd love to have one some day.
So, yes I'd love to have one some day.
Do you shop a lot online?
I wouldn't say a lot as I'm that kind of person that needs to have things immediately.
(This is probably called being impatient.)
(This is probably called being impatient.)
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about
My Mum. Definitely.
What was your favourite house in the sand moment so far?
There have been many great memories I made because of HITS and I'm really thankful for that. But I guess interviewing M&J was just a bit too cool as it was also a big step in journalism for me. :)
What's your favourite season?
Spring! Because of all the pretty flowers. <3
Chocolate. Oh yeah.
Your idea of a perfect night/evening/day?
day: road tripping
evening: interviewing musicians
night: concert
Pretty much.
Your favourite website?
A Beautiful Mess - which is a blog. Love it to pieces.
If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
I don't really believe in such things as failure ... but if I did: I'd probably sneak into the Buckingham Palace to see what it looks like inside and have a cuppa with the Queen.
How do you most like to dress?
Comfortable, girly but not "I love pink"-girlyish, classy.
(I don't like scratchy clothes, love flower prints and am no fan of showing too much, if you know what I mean)
Do you leave the house without make up?
Yes, absolutely.
A while ago I felt like it would be horrible to walk outside without the perfect eyeliner but now I just really don't care about that anymore.
Guess that's a phase lots of us go through. :)
A while ago I felt like it would be horrible to walk outside without the perfect eyeliner but now I just really don't care about that anymore.
Guess that's a phase lots of us go through. :)
Your favourite item in your room? Can be anything, a piece of furniture, a postcard or whatever.
What do you like to spend your money on the most?
CDs, concert tickets, photography equipment.
What colour is your favourite dress?
It's blue with white polka dots. I get happy just thinking about it. : )
What is your favourite colour anyway?
Dark red.
What is your favourite beverage?
Green tea. (Such a health freak...)
Do you have a favourite TV show? Which one?
I actually don't have one ... But I like watching Sherlock ... is that even a show?
Are you more of an outdoor or indoor person?
Outdoor I'd say but I spend a horrible amount of time inside due to studying and writing.
What's the best thing that ever happened to you?
Being born I guess? And being able to live the life I want to live.
What makes you smile?
My blog readers, the way my horse gets excited when I come, music, flowers, happy memories, my dog when he snores, talking with my cat (she really answers!), tea, notebooks.
Do you prefer to shower or to take a bath?
I prefer to shower. Don't really know why.
Your favourite hobby?
Writing or working with horses.

What music do you listen to when it's not Martin and James?
James and Martin.
Haha that wasn't even funny.
I of course listen to every artist on house in the sand,
then I also really like Gabrielle Aplin, Tom Odell, Paramore, Shoot The Rabbit, Jim Kroft. Especially Jim Kroft.
Who or what inspired you to start your own blog?
The funny thing is - there wasn't anyone particularly. It was a really boring Wednesday noon in late February 2012 that I decided to start a blog. It was a really spontaneous idea and just happened.
Maybe my love for writing just pushed me into that direction.
That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading really random things about me. :)
The funny thing is - there wasn't anyone particularly. It was a really boring Wednesday noon in late February 2012 that I decided to start a blog. It was a really spontaneous idea and just happened.
Maybe my love for writing just pushed me into that direction.
That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading really random things about me. :)
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