Hey guys!
And so it's day 27 of our Birthday Countdown.
That's just mad. I can't believe how quickly time flies when you're spending one month celebrating.
I would like to use today's post to thank all the fantastic people involved in this countdown.
This lineup was an absolute dream and every single act was a pleasure to work with.
Every year, when I start inviting people, I get a little paranoid, thinking that maybe nobody wants to join.
But of course we always find some of the most wonderful artists who are excited to be a part and that means the world to me.
Today we have another little Best Of video for you, this time focusing on the birthday wishes.
It's such a wonderful feeling to watch those clips because it makes this website a lot more personal.
It's just so beautiful to see how everyone took the time to film a video for us and I know that a lot of thought was put into it, and that just makes me incredibly happy.
The fact that a lot of musicians appreciate what we do on house in the sand, is something I could never take for granted.
So before we dive into the video, I would like to say a massive thank you to all artists, managers and labels involved. You have made this countdown so special and you keep on proving that we need to unite in this industry.
I adore all of you!
Please make sure to check out the video below and feel free to share it.
You can find all videos in full length below, just click the photo of your choice!
Day 27 is over!
I'm honestly so excited for tomorrow. Please join me as we're going to celebrate our fifth birthday in style tomorrow.
I have to warn you, I'm probably going to be super cheesy, but hey- this is a big thing.
Thank you for your visit!
I'm honestly so excited for tomorrow. Please join me as we're going to celebrate our fifth birthday in style tomorrow.
I have to warn you, I'm probably going to be super cheesy, but hey- this is a big thing.
Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Text, Image & Video: Vanessa Jertschewske | Logo for #HITSBC17 designed by Phil Barber | Music intro by Martin Kelly
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