Hey guys!
A little less than five years ago I approached the first band to work with.
I had absolutely no idea of the music industry and I had absolutely no idea what to expect.
I did my first ever email interview with one of my favourite bands and that was when the music journalism bug bit me.
Luck was on my side and I soon realised I had asked the perfect band to work with - they made my job so easy and nothing has changed about that over the past few years.
I'd like to think that the first interaction sort of sets the scene, so thankfully it all worked out super well.
Fun fact - one member of that band is here to celebrate with us today!
What is #HITSBC17?
HITSBC17 stands for house in the sand's Birthday Countdown 2017.
Throughout the entire month of February, we are going to celebrate house in the sand's fifth birthday.
(Because why celebrate on one day, if you can celebrate for an entire month, right?)
With the support from some of the finest artists and bands around, each day in February will be filled with an exclusive performance just for us.
Who is performing today?
Martin Kelly.
He is a musician from Scotland, now based in Berlin, Germany.
A lot of you know Martin from the Scottish duo Martin and James who are currently on a break.
Ever since the band things slowed down, Martin has been writing and recording on his own.
His first tour and support tour with Noah Guthrie went down a treat and allowed him to get his music heard.
The musician is currently mixing his upcoming EP whilst playing gigs here and there.
What needs to be said about this performance?
It's a new song which you'll find on the upcoming EP. As per usual, we are super excited to share this with you. We recommend grabbing a cup of tea, a few biscuits of your choice and finding a comfortable spot on the couch before you start watching the video.
Comfy? Good! Here we go, check out Martin's performance of his song "Match Already Burned".
Where can we find Martin Kelly online?
Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram
Who deserves a thank you?
Martin deserves a huge thank you for recording the video and for always been wonderful to collab with. I appreciate all the support and positivity a lot.
What can we do now?
If you enjoyed this video and post, please help us reach more people.
Share it online along with the hashtag #HITSBC17.
We would love to hear what you think, so please feel free to comment.
I hope you had a fabulous time checking out today's video.
Stay tuned for the next few days, as we still got some fantastic musicians lined up.
Day 18: Day 20:
Thank you for your visit!
Credits // Text & Image: Vanessa Jertschewske | Video: Martin Kelly for house in the sand
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