Day 21: James Edan | #HITSBC17

Hey guys!

Day 21.
That's three weeks of exclusive performances so far.
Sounds a bit crazy, doesn't it?

It always blows my mind to see how many talented musicians are excited to join us for this and, clearly, I've been in this state of over-excitement for three weeks now.
It's like having had too much coffee for three weeks straight.
I'm not sure how I feel about that.

However, I'm super excited, ha ha, for today's performance!
Check it out!

What is #HITSBC17?
HITSBC17 stands for house in the sand's Birthday Countdown 2017.
Throughout the entire month of February, we are going to celebrate house in the sand's fifth birthday.
(Because why celebrate on one day, if you can celebrate for an entire month, right?)
With the support from some of the finest artists and bands around, each day in February will be filled with an exclusive performance just for us.

Who is performing today?
James Edan.
He is a singer/songwriter from Glasgow, Scotland.
James is one half of house in the sand's favourite duo, Martin and James.
With the band being on a break, both individuals are now making music on their own.

James' influences vary from intensity of Bruce Springsteen, to Simon and Garfunkel's handcrafted songs, to the Spice Girls and their catchy pop vibes.

His own sound blends Rock, Pop and Folk - in the charming acoustic manner, as well as with big compositions.

His recently released EP "Flying Solo" showcases his strong and expressive voice and his writing skills.

What needs to be said about this performance?
It's another premiere of a new song! We love those exclusives over here on HITS and are absolutely stoked for you to watch this one.
James just knows how to craft a great song and this one is no exception.

Alright, now here we go - check out James performing his new song "Pretty Life" for us.

Where can we find James Edan online?
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram

Who deserves a thank you?
James does! For recording the video, but also for five years of support and encouragement. I appreciate this so much!

What can we do now?
If you enjoyed this video and post, please help us reach more people.
Share it online along with the hashtag #HITSBC17.
We would love to hear what you think, so please feel free to comment.

And that's it for today. Thank you all so much for the interest in this countdown, it's honestly the best thing to receive. Stay tuned for our final week!

Day 20:                                                                                                Day 22:

Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske | Image: James Edan | Video: James Edan for house in the sand


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