Day 15: The Lunar Year | #HITSBC17

Hey guys!

So far we have already had the chance to showcase multiple genres, multiple setups and multiple moods on this countdown.
We've got songs that are perfect for a relaxed Sunday afternoon,
songs you want to dance to,
and songs that are absolutely touching.

Today's song falls into the latter category and I cannot wait for you to check it out.

What is #HITSBC17?
HITSBC17 stands for house in the sand's Birthday Countdown 2017.
Throughout the entire month of February, we are going to celebrate house in the sand's fifth birthday.
(Because why celebrate on one day, if you can celebrate for an entire month, right?)
With the support from some of the finest artists and bands around, each day in February will be filled with an exclusive performance just for us.

Who is performing today?
The Lunar Year.
They are an indie-rock band from Philadelphia, USA.

In the band are:
Katie Burke (vocals, piano)
Steve Heine (guitar, vocals)
Zach McCaw (bass)
Kevin Walker (drums)

The origins of the band's sound can be traced back to singer&songwriter Katie's childhood, which was shaped by multiple acts and genres.
With a love for The Beatles, Billy Joel and The Beach Boys, but also a huge interest in the Classical and Romantic era, the band's style is very open minded.

You'll find honest and personal lyrics, as well as relatable stories in The Lunar Year's repertoire.

Their most recent single "Porcelain" hit over 100,000 streams on Spotify.

What needs to be said about this performance?
It's one of the most stunning songs I've heard in a while.
I am in absolute awe with Katie's voice and get goosebumps every single time I listen to this. 100% sure you are going to enjoy this one as much as I do.

I hope you're ready for Katie's performance of the band's balled "Porcelain".

Where can we find The Lunar Year online?
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram

Who deserves a thank you?
The wonderful Katie deserves a huge thank you for getting in touch and recording this fantastic video. So excited to see what the band is up to next.

What can we do now?
If you enjoyed this video and post, please help us reach more people.
Share it online along with the hashtag #HITSBC17.
We would love to hear what you think, so please feel free to comment.

I wonder how many new favourite acts you have already stumbled upon within the past 15 days.
Feel free to let us know, we can't wait to hear from you!

Day 14:                                                                                               Day 16:                                                            

Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske | Image: The Lunar Year | Video: The Lunar Year for house in the sand


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