#HITSBC15 + official trailer

Hey guys!

The official hashtag, logo and trailer for our Birthday Countdown 2015 are born!

From now on you can find whatever happens before, during and after the countdown by searching the hashtag #HITSBC15 (also #hitsbc15) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
(HITSBC15 = house in the sand Birthday Countdown 2015)

I won't share the final and complete lineup but all acts are allowed to share their recording process by using the hashtag. If you want to find out who's going to sing us a song you can always check the hashtag and pretend to be Sherlock Holmes. ;)

To make using hashtags more fun than it already is, I decided to start a little competition for you guys.
Everyone who uses the hashtag is in for winning lots of amazing and personalized prizes.

Since February is still really far away I also decided to shorten the time by hosting some games every now and then. Don't worry, nothing too complicated, just some fun activities to already get into the birthday spirit. (Can't do that early enough, right?)

You can watch the official trailer for the countdown here, right now!

(The trailer obviously consists of snippets from this year's countdown. ;) )

To sum it up: use the hashtag #HITSBC15 and be part of the coolest project. :)

This is not a competition but if you could share this post, the logo or the trailer on your social media pages - that'd be bloody amazing. 

Thank you for allowing me to do such cool stuff. : )

Credits // Text, Photography & Videography: Vanessa Jertschewske


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