Hey guys,
I actually got some bad news for you guys:
I won't blog that much this week because my final exams are starting on Wednesday and I really have to study a lot. There are chances that I will get an A in German and English, so I gotta grab them.
But I will hopefully find some time on Saturday to work on new blogposts and also write a few for the time I will be in London so you wont get bored when I'm away having fun in London-Town. :)
I'm sorry for not blogging this week (I really miss it) but sometimes you just have to do the more important things. And I promise you there will be a time where I will blog every day - so get ready! ;)
Thank you guys again, without you blogging wouldn't be that wonderful. <3
I also have to thank my favorite musicians who help me to keep calm before the finals. : )
(they already know who they are.)
See you soon!
x - Vanessa.
(for random updates you can follow me on Twitter @Vanyhoney)
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