Day 24: Hudson Taylor | #HITSBC16

Hey guys!

24 days ago I revealed the very first video of this countdown; it was so exciting to show you how we took things to another level. And now we're so close to the end of it.

I'm already excited for the next edition of this.

So many of you emailed me saying that you are watching every single video and honestly, that's the greatest thing you could do.
Not only do you support HITS, you also support all these incredibly talented artists who deserve being heard.

What is #HITSBC16?
HITSBC16 stands for house in the sand's Birthday Countdown 2016.
Throughout the entire month of February, we will be celebrating this website's fourth birthday.
One artist/band a day is going to wish us a happy birthday and then perform a song exclusively for this sweet occasion.

Who is performing today?
Hudson Taylor.
They are a folk duo consisting of brothers Alfie and Harry from Dublin, Ireland.
Two lads with a lot of passion and even more talent to make music.
They started out busking on the streets of Dublin and continued recording videos on their YouTube channel throughout the years which had millions of views by now.
Besides cover versions of famous tracks they also perform their originals and have released quite a few tunes.

EP: Battles (2012)
EP: Cinematic Lifestyle (2012)
EP: Osea (2013)
EP: Battles II (2014)
Album: Singing For Strangers (2015)

What is special about this video?
It is the first video we filmed for HITSBC16.
We filmed this one on the 6th of November 2015 before the band played a gig in Stuttgart. I've listened to Hudson Taylor's music many times before, but hearing them live is definitely a different experience. They are so, so talented.

Here we go, enjoy Hudson Taylor performing their song "Don't Tell Me" for us.

Where can we find Hudson Taylor online?
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | YouTube | Instagram

Who do we need to thank?
Alfie, Harry and Ronnie for organising, performing and being super lovely!
I really enjoyed filming and photographing the gig. Hope to catch another one soon.
Cheers, lads!

What can we do now?
If you've enjoyed this article, please help us reach more people by sharing it along with the hashtag #HITSBC16.
Everybody who uses the hashtag on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram has the chance to win something lovely once the countdown is over.

I hope you enjoyed day 24!

Day 23:                        Day 25:

Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Text & Video (camera): Vanessa Jertschewske | Image & Video (performance): Hudson Taylor | Video intro (audio): Martin Kelly | Video intro (visual): Vanessa Jertschewske


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