Hey guys!
I guess today's post is going to be bittersweet.
This post shows a video back from when I went on tour with The Arkanes, but it's also a little farewell to the band.
The Arkanes, a rock band from Liverpool, have just split up as a band.
Nonetheless the guys have been incredibly supportive with everything on house in the sand and what's even more lovely, they've been wonderful friends.
I remember dreaming about going on tour with a band one day, documenting everything, traveling, meeting new people, seeing new places - oh, I couldn't wait to make that dream come true.
It was January this year when I received a message from the band, asking if I wanted to join the tour.
Well... Hell yes did I want to join!
I guess today's post is going to be bittersweet.
This post shows a video back from when I went on tour with The Arkanes, but it's also a little farewell to the band.
The Arkanes, a rock band from Liverpool, have just split up as a band.
Nonetheless the guys have been incredibly supportive with everything on house in the sand and what's even more lovely, they've been wonderful friends.
I remember dreaming about going on tour with a band one day, documenting everything, traveling, meeting new people, seeing new places - oh, I couldn't wait to make that dream come true.
It was January this year when I received a message from the band, asking if I wanted to join the tour.
Well... Hell yes did I want to join!
Early in March the craziness behind the scenes started - I started drawing camera setups, planned different shots, collected details of our route, gathered inspiration.
On March 23rd I flew to Berlin to start my week on the road and the rest is documented.
(Here are previous tour posts: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4)
Tour was only one of many times I got to work and hang out with this band, so there are a few thank you to be said.
I have written many thank you posts before, but this final one to The Arkanes needs to be big.
Thank you guys for adopting me as your "fifth member", I've had some of the biggest laughs with you.
Thanks for always letting me boss you around when we filmed, thanks for treating me with so much respect, thanks for helping me make my crazy ideas come true, thank you for involving me in so many band things - I can't even list all of them.
(Seriously, I can't.)
I've met many people through this band, yet the six members - Chris, Dylan, Longy, Jake, Lee & Brophy are the ones these thank yous go to.
I felt like one of you (especially during tour. (must've been the smell)) and I'm sure I'll always look back to this time and smile. Even remembering the nights in the hotels where I couldn't make out who snored the loudest.
I know I'm repeating myself, but thank you for the respect you have for my work, it means a lot!
It was a blast from the first gig until the last gig.
I would do it all again within the blink of an eye!

Now, dear house in the sand readers and The Arkanes fans - here's a video from tour. I know it's long, but being on tour for a week just leaves you with a lot of material.
The video includes a demo of a new song "Light Up The Becon" plus lots of outtakes, so stay tuned until the end.
I hope you'll enjoy watching this as much as I do.
Thank you for reading!

Credits // Text, Image, Video (camera, editing): Vanessa Jertschewske
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