Hey guys,
this post I mainly for all the wonderful musicians reading.
A little while ago a company contacted me about advertising on HITS - well, nowadays it is quite normal to see a few advertisements on blogs, so why not?
But soon I realized that putting an ad of something that doesn't relate to the topic of my blog at all would be what the hipster inside us calls a "fail".
But I think my sidebars look boring and definitely need some colours, so I sat down and thought, thought and thought.
The idea: I still want ads - but ads from bands and solo artists!
Basically I want to put logos on my sidebar which are linked with the artist's/band's website or Facebook page or Twitter (whatever you want).
It's kind of a test first because I don't know what it will look like and if my readers (and I) like it. Give it a week and I will decide whether to keep this or not.
Of course it is for free!
So musicians reading - get in touch with me (preferably via FACEBOOK or EMAIL (houseinthesand@web.de)) and we'll talk about the details.
I'm really excited about this, let's see where this path leads all of us. : )
(Fun fact - The Arkanes already joined the "ads movement" - logo to be added soon.)
x Vanessa
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