Hey guys!
It's a Monday and I'm super stoked!
I've had some juicy pineapple for breakfast, the sun is shining, I'm blasting my favourite songs AND (drum roll, please!) the "7 songs" are back.
It's been a while and I've just realised how much I've missed the feature.
I love love love finding out what everyone listens to, but combining that with finding out why they love the songs and what they connect with them just takes things to another level.
So I'm not going to waste any more time - because we've got tunes to listen to!
Today our guest Jackson Dyer treats us to a brilliant playlist, so let's get to know him!
Jackson Dyer is a singer/songwriter originally from Sydney (AUS), now based in Berlin (GER).
His sound intertwines the classic singer/songwriter elements, Soul and Alternative with such grace.
He spent years playing his music on the streets and stages of Europe, played tons of festivals and supported acts such as Hozier, Hiatus Kaiyote, Mighty Oaks and Alice Phoebe Lou.
After all of that, he went back home to Australia to write and record his debut album. In a calming town in Northern NSW, he produced and created what we are about to hear - so buckle up and prepare for some Australian landscape inspired sounds.
In case you are Berlin based, lucky you - you've got the chance to see Jackson live at Baumhaus Bar on July 26th - here's the event.
Check out Jackson's performance of his song "Steal Away" here:
Jackson Dyer online: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram
Let's check out Jackson's selection!
1) a song which makes you dance
"Pull Up To The Bumper" by Grace Jones
When I was a kid, my family would go on holidays to a small beachside town north of Sydney.
My Aunty and my Mum would often sing this song at the top of their voices and my cousins and I would think it is incredibly embarrassing.
Now, whenever I hear this song, I am the one embarrassing whoever is close by with my "dancing".
When I was a kid, my family would go on holidays to a small beachside town north of Sydney.
My Aunty and my Mum would often sing this song at the top of their voices and my cousins and I would think it is incredibly embarrassing.
Now, whenever I hear this song, I am the one embarrassing whoever is close by with my "dancing".
2) a song that calms you down
"Canto de Xangô" by Fabiano do Nascimento
This man makes some incredibly beautiful music and this whole album, "Tempo Dos Mestres", is one of my favourites at the moment. One of those timeless releases that speak directly to the soul.
3) a song with a deep meaning
"re: Stacks" by Bon Iver
This song has accompanied me through many hard and also incredibly positive times.
Every time I listen to it, I can hear something different in the lyrics and production.
4) a song that makes you feel nostalgic
"If You Got The Money" by Jamie T
Reminds me of simpler times when I was younger and had just discovered the joys and pitfalls of an ice cold beer, haha.
5) a song which has accompanied you for a while
"Velvet Gloves & Spit" by Timber Timbre
This song has only been out for about a year, but it has been on high rotation at home and I think it will be a favourite for a long time to come.
6) a song from your favourite genre
"Wililé" by Fatoumata Diawara
I don't really have a particular "favourite genre", but I've really been enjoying Malian and West African folky/blues music for a while. I remember seeing Fatoumata Diawara perform a while ago and it sparked an intense interest in the beautiful music from this part of the world.
7) a song by an artist / a band which has surprised you
"If You Need To, Keep Time On Me" by Fleet Foxes
When Fleet Foxes announced that they were releasing a new album after a 6 year hiatus, I was super surprised and excited, as I thought that they'd never release any music again and that I'd never get to see them play live.
I was over the moon when I was able to see them last year for the first time!
And that's it!
Did you enjoy Jackson's playlist?
Let us know in the comment or our social media channels.
Previous 7 songs features: Simon Alexander | GOUX | Meadowlark | Arlissa
Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Words (Intro & Outro): Vanessa Jetwash | Words (about songs) & Image: Jackson Dyer
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