Behind The Song: "Mirrored Stars" by Taylor James Eary

Hey guys!

I've got a questions for all of you music fans out there:
How many times have you wondered what the exact meaning behind your favourite song is?
The beautiful thing about music is that we can relate to it on personal levels, but isn't interesting to hear what the writer behind it wanted to express with the song?
Or to find out what the writing process of it looked like?

I am a rather curious person, so I definitely wonder about these things a lot.

To make life easier for all of us, I came up with the "Behind The Song" segment where I invite musicians to chat about one of their songs.

Without celebrating my great idea too much, I'd still like to think this feature is a win-win - you first get to discover a song you might not know already and then you also get to learn more about the story behind it.
My my, this is genius.
(Didn't I just sound like the biggest bighead since Kanye?)

Anyway, let's get into today's "Behind The Song".

We have Taylor James Eary over who is going to tell us more about his song 

"Mirrored Stars":

My inspiration for "Mirrored Stars" came after a night out in Southend-on-Sea, Essex which is where I'm from.

The main plot of the song is the idea of an endless night spent with someone. I wrote the song chronologically, starting with the verse which talks about old summer days and memories, as I'm sure everyone has a few to reminisce on. I already had the chords to the song in mind, so it was just a case of writing lyrics over the top.
The lyrics came naturally from my personal experiences and surroundings, which made the process enjoyable as I was looking back at nights out.

I recorded the song at Carey Willetts studio in South East Lodon. Production-wise the song is organic as we kept it very stripped back and consists of a beautiful old Wurlitzer keyboards, acoustic guitar and vocals.

Listen to "Mirrored Stars" below:

Taylor James Eary online: Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud

Enjoyed this feature? Here are more "Behind The Song" stories:
Keeva | Chris Tavener

Thank you for your visit!

Credits // Text (intro): Vanessa Jertschewske | Text & Image: Taylor James Eary for house in the sand


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