Hey guys!
It's been a while since I last threw a playlist together.
I live on certain playlists and have about twelve of them on my iPod. I enjoy having lists of music because you can create them for whatever mood you're in.
The title of this playlist is a bit confusing, it sounds like the playlist consists of songs which have been released this year, but it's not.
This playlist is about acts I've been loving in 2015 so far.
Some of them have been part of my playlists for years, some are acts I just found out about this year.
But all of them have written incredible songs which I enjoy listening to regularly.
Here they are, below is a little commentary for each song:
"Work Song" by Hozier
I've been listening (and loving) Hozier for a lot longer than just this year. There's something about the way he arranges his songs from the backing vocals to the riffs. And yeah, let's not forget about his incredible voice!
"Big Bad World" by Kodaline
I was introduced to Kodaline ealier this year when I got asked to interview them. I quickly became a fan of their sound and still can't get enough of both of their albums.
"Sirens" by Stephen Langstaff
Stephen performed this song for our Birthday Countdown and blew us all away with it. Of course we need it on the playlist!
"Northern Lights" by Ryan O'Reilly
A blog reader introduced me to Ryan O'Reilly and I'm very happy about that! Soon after that I got to work with this talented act and the Northern Lights EP is definitely one of my favourites.
"Hey Little Bird (demo)" by Martin Kelly
I knew this guy way before I even started blogging! Martin is a part of the duo Martin and James and like I said, I've been enjoying their music for about 4 years now. His solo project is just as fantastic and I'm excited to see what he's up to.
"Light Up The Dark" by Gabrielle Aplin
Gabrielle Aplin is that kind of musician I can listen to whenever. I feel like she has a song for every situation you can possibly find yourself in. My favourite thing about her is the way she writes, her lyrics are just on point.
"If You Wanna" by The Vaccines
Another band I got to know because I got offered to interview them.
Indie pop at its finest. Infectious instruments, attention grabbing vocals - brilliant combination.
"Dapper (demo)" by Alex Stockley
A song that just makes you get off of your seat and dance the hell out of dancing!
That's the only way I can describe. My writing skills are failing me because I'm busy dancing!
"Your Lips" by Josh Savage
Sometimes it's the emotional songs, the violins and slow guitar riffs that just need to be on repeat. Josh Savage sure knows how to enchant us with a gorgeous tune.
"Ghost" by Winter 1982
Very pleased to be working with the incredibly talented Winter 1982. Quality music which you need on your playlist.
"Called On" by Hudson Taylor
What I love about Hudson Taylor are the harmonies the brothers Harry and Alfie sing oh so well. Another set of fantastic writers of wide range of sounds.
"The Great Doomsday Story" by Jim Kroft
This guy. I'm sure in about 5 years the fantastic Jim Kroft is still going to be on my playlists. His work is just so inspiring and never boring.
"Holocene" by Bon Iver
I first heard this song on a soundtrack and I remember being completely paralyzed by it. I just had to listen from start to finish without doing anything else.
"Boxer" by Ciaran Lavery
Ciaran Lavery treated us with his beautiful EP and "Boxer" really stands out. An artist to watch!
(And to listen to, obviously.)
"Clocks Go Forward" by James Bay
This year I really got attached to James Bay's music. There's something so unique about his sound, he just combines all the beautiful singer/songwriter elements in an exciting way.
And that's my playlist of acts I've been loving in 2015 (so far). I really hope you enjoyed it and found a few songs you're going to put on your playlist.
Feel free to let me know who's on your playlist at the minute!
Thank you for reading!

Credits // Text & Photography: Vanessa Jertschewske // all uploads on soundcloud belong to their rightful owners, this is just a collective playlist
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