Hey guys,
This is exactly the 400th time I've used this expression to greet you and start an article.
Considering the fact that I've never had a guest writer I think that's quite a lot of articles.
And I think it's quite cool that no matter how crappy some of the posts I wrote in the beginning, they always expressed exactly what I wanted to say.
Within these 400 posts are so many posts that took me hours to produce and soaked me in while writing. There are so many posts I've been dying to share with you. There are so many posts that scared the hell out of me because I thought I wasn't good enough to work on them. There are so many posts that I was absolutely nervous about sharing with you because they meant so much to me.
And the most wonderful thing - every single post reached people. Each post has been written by me, a girl from a way too tiny town in Germany, but it was read by people from the other side of the world.
Each post has helped me develop and I believe that every post is a step closer to another level.
400 posts that show case over 150 artists I thoroughly enjoy.
Even if I'm going to end up being super cheesy I want to write a few more lines.
These 400 articles made me meet so many different people. I've met those people who will never be pleased by anything you do because you're doing it better than they ever will, so they send you mean words to bring you down.
I've met those people who like you because you can get them on the guest list or introduce them to cool musicians.
I've met those people who actually really like what you do and support you in so many ways.
And of course I met tons of musicians, the people this whole blog is about. There are a few I've worked with once and have never really spoken to again.
But then there are some I've kept in touch with from day one. Some became friends I really wouldn't want to miss. Some became teachers, some became big brothers.
And somehow all inspired me to keep on writing, to keep on believing in my dreams because that's exactly what they do.
But do you know the coolest person I've met?
It's you - the one who is reading this article and enjoys it, the one who honestly enjoys it and the one who is there to support, critize and read.
Here's to post number 400 with extra cheese!
Thank you all so much for reading, it means the world. It really does.
Credits // Text & Photography: Vanessa Jertschewske
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