Best Of 2016: Music Photography

Hey guys!

With 2016 coming to an end, it's only right for us to start the "Best Of" post-marathon.

I love reflecting on a certain amount of time.

Whilst preparing this "Best Of" photography edition, I realised how many incredible artists we've had in front of our lenses this year.

2016 has been the first year of me working with a team of photographers.
Even typing that feels surreal to me - it's absolutely wonderful.

I'll be posting another write-up in which I'll talk more about that.

For today I really want us all to focus on the photography.

house in the sand has really made the jump from being an online blog written by a small town girl, to becoming an ever growing music publication.

This has allowed us photographers to go out and capture some fantastic gigs.

At this point I would like to thank our talented photo team who have not only created incredible work, but have also helped me to take things to another level.

Below are my personal favourites of 2016!
By clicking on the artist, you'll be lead to the full gallery of the gig.

(note: next to every artist will be the name of the photographer, please head to our "about the team" page to find all their social media links and show them some support.)

Gabrielle Aplin // Manchester, UK
- photographed by Vanessa -

Lewis Watson // Manchester, UK
- photographed by Vanessa -

Hannah Grace // Manchester, UK
- photographed by Vanessa -

Martin Kelly // near Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Kodaline // Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

All Tvvins // Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Chris Pate // Burgrieden, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Revolverheld // Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Jim Kroft & band // Berlin, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Jack Garratt // Munich, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Martin Luke Brown // Munich, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Robbie Cavanagh // Liverpool, UK
- photographed by Alex -

Barn on the Farm // Gloucester, UK
- photographed by Vanessa -

Jess Kemp // Amsterdam, NL
- photographed by Saar -

The Hush Sound // Detroit, USA
- photographed by Reva -

Ryan Vail // Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Noah Guthrie // Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Hyena // near Stuttgart, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Birdy // Manchester, UK
- photographed by Alex -

Dan Owen // Manchester, UK
- photographed by Alex -

Bear's Den // Amsterdam, NL
- photographed by Saar -

K.Flay // New York City, USA
- photographed by Gina -

Tom Odell // Munich, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Jane's Party // Munich, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

The Beach // Munich, GER
- photographed by Vanessa -

Bastille // New York City, USA
- photographed by Gina -

The 1975 // New York City, USA
- photographed by Gina -

Porter Robinson & Madeon // Seattle, USA
- photographed by Cissy -

Matt Austin // Detroit, USA
- photographed by Maggie -

Olivia Lane // Detroit, USA
- photographed by Maggie -

Thank you for your visit!
And thank you for your support!

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske | Photography: Vanessa Jertschewske, Alex Lloyd, Saar de Graaf, Reva May, Cissy Ding, Gina Garcia, Maggie Clark


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