update: told you so

Hey guys!

- "for all I know, the best is over and the worst is yet to come" -

Do you know those moments in which you feel a certain emotion and then start to dramatise literally everything?

I do.

It's not the most exciting or positive thing to admit, but hey - honesty is the best policy.
So, yeah.. today I'd like to give you an update on what's been going on over here recently.

I haven't done something like that in absolute ages, probably years.
But house in the sand has always been a very honest and pretty open space of web. Those of you, who started this journey with me in 2012, might still remember the topics I used to write about.

And today I'm bringing some of it back.
I want to write about what has been going on behind the scenes lately.

I'm sure some of you have noticed that we haven't been as loud as usual.
There have been less posts on the website and less interaction on Social Media.

That's not because we don't love all of this anymore, it's because I got a little tired.

Tired as in - tired.
Not tired of music, writing or anything.
I just realised I had a bit too much on my plate and it killed my creativity.

I tried to fight the tiredness. And I tried to deny it.
But I have realised, that it's absolutely fine to feel like this every now and then.

If you pour a lot of personality and a lot of love into something, you are bound to feel a little exhausted. 

It takes a lot of work to be present on all fronts - because there are a lot of fronts;
there's social media, there's the actual website you need to fill with content, there are thousands of emails that need to be read and answered, there's a team that depends on your skills as an editor and there are your own expectations.

And sometimes you just end up feeling a bit too busy and your spirit just shuts down.

And in my case, I became a bit hysterical because I felt like I was wasting my time - not being able to be on top of my game.

But little old me found some adult-y wisdom and feels better now.
I figured out that this is all very natural and that there are way worse things than not being the most productive person on the web.

Taking some time away from the busy side of things, has allowed me to be more creative and to focus on photography and design. And it was fun!

So yeah - long story short - felt stressed, had no creativity, took time off, now I'm back.
I felt like writing this to explain why it has been a bit quiet around here.
Hopefully, if you have ever felt a bit hopeless and tired, you've managed to take some wisdom with you.

No matter how unproductive you feel, times are going to get better.

You can expect a lot more posts again and I hope you are looking forward to the upcoming noise!

One more thing - please let me make it clear that the photography, outfit and artwork for this post are heavily inspired by Paramore's "Told You So" music video.
There were no intentions of copying it, just paying tribute to a song that I love very much.

So check it out below:

In case you feel like connecting - you can:

house in the sand on social media: twitter | facebook | soundcloud | youtube | instagram

Vanessa on social media: twitter | instagram

Thank you for your visit! 

Credits // Words & Photography: Vanessa Jertschewske | artwork was heavily inspired by Paramore's "Told You So"


  1. I 100% know what you mean! I think I'm in the same situation right now, I feel drenched of my creativity and it's leaving my booktube channel with next to no new videos which frustrates me but I'm just all creatived out right now :( But I'm sure it'll get better and I'm glad it got better for you! Also I LOVE that photo. You look amazing!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. As I was writing this, I realised that maybe I'm not the only person who feels like that. It's a disappointing feeling and it's hard to fight it - but it does get better - absolutely.
      If you ever need a creative chat - you just let me know. :)

      And thanks so much! <3 :)


Let me know what you think! :)