Hello to whoever is reading this,
I don't know exactly why, but I decided to get my own blog. I was already blogging
on Tumblr.com but somehow my laptop and Tumblr don't work out anymore. Believe me
I don't have a clue why.
So I don't want to define my blog like "oh, it's a beauty blog" or "I'm a fashion blogger".
No, I want to blog about everything.
My name "I build my house in the sand" (in my URL it's "houseinthesand") is
a line from my favorite song "Wrong Directions" by Martin and James. If you
don't know them yet - don't worry, I will blog about them soon.
Hopefully this blog will be filled with posts you want to read and we
will get to know each other.
Talk to me on Twitter:
x - Vanessa.
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