

PLEASE READ: I am currently receiving up to 100 music submissions a day - that gives me more to write about than I actually can. It might take a while for me to reply but I'm going to listen to everything you send me. Please be patient.  
Social Media:
Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Bloglovin | Pinterest | SoundCloud | Instagram | Youtube
e-mail: (or use form below)

You can always get in touch if you'd like to be featured, have any questions or would like to work with me in any way.
Please do not send us CDs or vinyls without checking in via email first. We don't want you to waste precious goods if we can't promise a feature.

Send me an email:

Cameras: Canon EOS 70D

Canon EOS 1100D
Lenses: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS STM
Sigma 70-300mm F 4-5.6 DG Macro
 Editing programme: Photoscape
Toy camera: FujiFilm Instax Mini 8 

Grab my button:
If you want to link my blog on your page, that would be awesome.
Just copy the code in the box. Thank you!

house in the sand

Terms of use:
All content provided on "house in the sand" blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
Spam is mostly filtered but I'm not in responsibly for what's posted in the comment section.

Legal notice/Impressum:
"house in the sand"
Vanessa Jertschewske
Gottlob-Linck-Straße 14
75443 Oetisheim

Further credits:
"house in the sand" header art: MarieLuise from Brause Mag.
"reviews" & "interviews" header photography: Jana R.
"about" & "contact + press" header photography: Jamie Croft
social media buttons:
Do not copy any of the content!


  1. Hey! Haha, herzlichen Glückwunsch, du bist unser erste Follower :)
    Gerne habe ich deine Blog durchstöbert und vorgestellt!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Da hast Du dir richtig Mühe gegeben. Ich wünsche Dir viel Glück auf deinem weiteren Weg.
    Jemand der Dich kennt :-)

    1. Und dich in Erinnerung behalten wird...

    2. Vielen Dank, liebe Person, die mich kennt. Wäre schön zu wissen, wer du bist. Die Kontaktdaten stehen ja auf der Seite. :) x


Let me know what you think! :)