
Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 12: Danielle Allard | #HITSBC15

Hey guys!

Day 12! The birthday party is in full swing and it's so exciting for me. Thanks to everyone who expressed their respects towards this project so far, it means the world to me to know you actually understand how much work this is.

What is the Birthday Countdown though? Throughout the entire month of February, one artist/one band a day is going to wish house in the sand a happy birthday and then perform a song exclusively for us.

Today the very wonderful Danielle Allard enchants us with a beautiful performance.

Danielle Allard is a singer/songwriter based in Ottawa, Canada. 
Her songs march into the acoustic/folk direction and convince with honest and personal lyrics paired with Danielle's fantastic voice.

She "danced in the womb", her first words were "in song form: "ee-i-ee-i-oh" (yes, that's Old MacDonald) and her singing and dancing never stopped.
Over the years she has performed a countless amount of times, has been part of a few projects and treated the world with incredible songs. 

She's no stranger to house in the sand and I'm very happy to see Danielle achieve so many wonderful things due to her hard and passionate work.

Alright, enough talking now. Let's watch Danielle's video together; she performed her song "Shipwreck" for us and let me tell you - it's beautiful!!!

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Danielle for her absolutely wonderful words. You should've seen my face when I first watched your video! 

Please go ahead and share this performance with your friends by using the hashtag #HITSBC15.

Danielle Allard online: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud

Day 11:                                                                                                                                 Day 13:
 photo John Thacker Photo KLEIN_zpsijnsr5qv.jpg photo The Old Border Photo KLEIN_zpstd4gplpa.jpg

Credits // Text: Vanessa Jertschewske | Image: Danielle Allard (Marc Lavergne) | Video performance & video: Danielle Allard | Video intro: Vanessa Jertschewske


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