
Monday 15 April 2013

Musikmesse Frankfurt 2013. Part 2.

Hey guys,
here is the promised part two of my Musikmesse adventure. 

(Read part one here.)

This post is all about the instruments which I honestly all wanted to steal. 

It's been such an incredible feeling walking through the halls where tons of musicians were trying out the instruments. The sound of about five hundred people playing tons of different instruments and tons of different chords was magical. (And causing a slight headache after standing next to a mad drummer for way too long.) 

Musicians are my probably my favourite group of people; they're passionate, they're ambitious and I do believe that most of them are dreamers.

Now here are the promised pictures, let me know what you think. : )

Yamaha's oldest instrument.

Guitars, guitars, guitars, ... 

In love with that wallpaper. :)

I fell in love with the guitar on the left. 

Hope you enjoyed this post. : ) 

I want to thank the whole Musikmesse crew again, thank you for this amazing opportunity. 

x Vanessa


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