
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Summer looking back.

Hey guys,

I really hope everyone is doing well. : )

So summer is almost over and for me school starts in a week so right now I'm in that "looking back" mood. Looking back and thinking about what I achieve/did this summer. 

I can say that I'm pretty content about how this summer went: I finished school, I was in London, I went to six concerts (which all were amazing), build so many new friendships, got to know great people, worked on projects (working on a huge one right now :) ) but the thing I'm most proud of is what my horse and I achieved together.

We grew together a lot and did some really cool things. A two day riding trip where my horsie even had the chance to swim. Then we also did lots of other rides and I can honestly say that I trust this horse so much.
To me she's not only my horse, but also my friend. There where many times where I just sat next to her, talked to her and sometimes even cried. And it might sounds strange but Clio is always there for me. 

We've been through a lot and this summer was definitely "our summer".

I also want to thank you guys for your support.
Without you it wouldn't be the same. My house in the sand grew sooo much and I'm honestly touched by the comments you leave. So thank you thank you thank you. Please don't change. ;)

You might remember the project I told you about. I am now able to tell you that I just made a huge step forward. I still can't tell you what it is but I think you guys could guess and leave a comment what you'll think will be up on this blog soon. : )

x Vanessa. 


  1. ooooh thank you for visit my blog and became follower!
    of course i follow you back :D

  2. Such a cute post. B x

  3. oh wow, that's such a beautiful photo :) great post hun!
    i'm following you now, can't wait to see more posts from you :) XO

  4. beautiful pic!!!

  5. That horse is gorgeous!
    Thanks for following me, btw! ♥

  6. Thanks,for your comment on my blog.^^
    Do you start with the follow on gfc???
    Follow you then back...;-)

  7. What a beautiful horse! Thanks for stopping by my blog...following right back!


Let me know what you think! :)